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Grilled Steak Kabobs

  • Skewers 
  • Steak (New York Strip preferable) 
  • Red Russet Potatoes 
  • Onions 
  • Peppers 
  • Mushrooms Margie’s Mango Chipotle Marinade*

Cut your vegetables and steak into tiny cubes (about 1-2 inches thick). Arrange vegetables and steak on the skewers (steak, potatoes, onions, peppers, and mushrooms, repeat until skewer is full). Place the skewers in a pan and pour on Margie’s Mango Chipotle Marinade*. Cover them with foil and let them marinate in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to an hour (for best flavor let them marinate overnight). In the meantime, fire up that grill. Take out the skewers and place them on the grill letting them cook until done (about 5-7 minutes or to your liking). Take them off the grill and serve. For surf and turf add shrimp (jus follow the same steps).

Chicken Salad

  • 4 Chicken Breasts 
  • Romaine Lettuce 
  • Plum Tomatoes 
  • 1 Cucumber 
  • Raisins 
  • Sunflower Seeds 
  • Margie’s Mango Teriyaki Marinade*

Clean and pat chicken breasts dry. Place chicken breasts in a pan and pour Margie’s Mango Teriyaki Marinade* over them. Cover the pan with a layer of aluminum foil to seal in the flavor (refrigerate overnight for best taste). Bake chicken for 30 minutes covered at 375 degrees. After the 30 minutes cook without the foil for an additional 25 minutes until done. Clean vegetables. Cut tomatoes in half and slice the cucumber. Then arrange your salad. Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, raisins and sunflower seed. Top it of with your baked chicken breasts (they can be eaten whole or sliced into strips). For extra flavor add your favorite salad dressing or use some of Margie’s Mango Teriyaki Marinade*. Bon Appetit.

Baked Tilapia and Rice

  • Tilapia Fillets 
  • Wild Rice 
  • Asparagus Margie’s Mango Herb & Garlic Marinade*

Place tilapia fillets in a pan and pour Margie’s Mango Herb & Garlic Marinade* over them. Cover the pan with a layer of aluminum foil to seal in the flavor (refrigerate overnight for best taste). Bake fillets for 30 minutes covered at 375 degrees. After the 30 minutes cook without the foil for an additional 10 minutes or until done. Clean and steam asparagus. Steam rice. Once everything is completed. Place rice on a serving plate, top with tilapia fillets and garnish with steamed asparagus.

*You can substitute any of Margie’s Marinades for your taste and enjoyment!
